Tuesday, November 18, 2008

11/18/08 sightings inc East Bluebirds and RTLO

Two reports texted to me today of 4 Eastern Bluebirds and continuing Red-throated Loon
hi lighted the day's report for Prospect Park.

Eddie Davis texted me 3 ish of 4 uncommon Eastern Bluebird (eabb) at Lamppost #249 along the Well Drive, the birds seen from the Upper Lookout path. I swung by and saw 2 in the barren ash tree but the twosome flew across where three (2m,1 f) were seen in the Beech Trees right above the Well Drive opposite the famous lamppost. The Beeches are adjacent to the phragmites , where also a pedestrian path is . The time was 4:15 . EABB might be the year's first after i check the records.

Rob Bate had the still present Red-throated Loon at 3:30 along the south shore between Three sister islands and West Island.

ON my way home I saw Hooded Merganser and Bufflehead drakes. A short list coming up soon after I get back home.

Lots of goldfinces around...
