Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reports BBP , BBG & GWC

Brooklyn Bridge Park--Pier One: Cedar Waxwings

Posted by: "Larry Zirlin"

Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:20 pm (PDT)

I saw four Cedar Waxwings on Pier One this afternoon. Oddly, for these berry loving birds, they weren't in trees that had any fruit on them. The bushes in the marsh with what I presume were raspberries were full of House Sparrows eating the berries. This the 59th species recorded on the Pier in its brief history as a park.

The hybrid family of American Black Duck (drake) and Mallard with 3 ducklings were in the water picking whatnot from a gray skein of scum and garbage.

Larry Zirlin


From Elyse:

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Hi Peter,

Last night after eating at the Botanic Garden cafe, Lenny and
I went to the Japan garden pool and sat inside it to watch for birds.
being chased by a dark bird all around the pond.Every time it
landed we got right near it.

There was also a kingbird flying and landing.

It made our night to see such bird entertainment,



From Orrin:

Green-Wood Cemetery this morning. Most of the interesting
 activity was  at the Sylvan Water, in the skies above it and in
the high ground surrounding it:

Cedar waxwings (young being fed)

Monk parakeet

Northern mockinbird

Mourning dove

Northern cardinal

House wren

Warbling vireo

Northern rough-winged swallow

Barn swallow

Black-crowned night heron

House sparrow

Double-crested cormorant

Canada goose

House finch

American robin

Great egret

Baltimore oriole

Song sparrow

Chipping sparrow

Downy woodpecker

European starling