site = Prospect Park
date = 3/28/08
observers = Peter Dorosh
Double-crested Cormorant (2 f/o rink)
Wood Duck (5; drake and hen Upper Pool; 3 f/o Upper pool, 2 m,1f)
Mallard (Upper Pool)
Ring-necked Duck (4 Upper Pool 2m,2f ; 4 Lower Pool; 1m,3,f)
Bufflehead (drake and hen Upper Pool)
Hooded Merganser (drake and hen;Lake near Peninsula shore)
Ruddy Duck
Merlin (perched above Sullivan hill low steps, between "triangles")
Northern Flicker (2 Peninsula)
Eastern Phoebe (easily 25 throughout park)
Tufted Titmouse (peninsula)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (Pools isthmus)
American Robin (common on meadows; 50 +)
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing (12 Lullwater path near Rink; "pink beach")
Song Sparrow (4)
Dark-eyed Junco (23 nethermead)
Northern Cardinal (2 Lullwater)
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle