Date: | 8/15/2008 11:54:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time |
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From: do-not-reply@ebird.orgDate: August 15, 2008 8:12:41 PM EDTSubject: eBird Report - Prospect Park , 8/15/08Location: Prospect ParkObservation date: 8/15/08Number of species: 50Canada Goose XMute Swan XMallard XDouble-crested Cormorant XGreat Blue Heron 1Black-crowned Night-Heron XRed-tailed Hawk XMerlin 1 (Unusual summer bird continues.)Spotted Sandpiper XRing-billed Gull XHerring Gull XRock Pigeon XMourning Dove XChimney Swift XBelted Kingfisher 1 (Lily Pond.)Red-bellied Woodpecker XDowny Woodpecker XNorthern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) XEastern Kingbird X (Fairly common.)Warbling Vireo X (Including fledglings.)Red-eyed Vireo X (Including fledglings.)Blue Jay XAmerican Crow XNorthern Rough-winged Swallow 1 (Lake.)Barn Swallow XBlack-capped Chickadee XTufted Titmouse XWhite-breasted Nuthatch XCarolina Wren XHouse Wren X (Including fledglings on Lookout summit.)American Robin XGray Catbird XNorthern Mockingbird XEuropean Starling XCedar Waxwing XBlue-winged Warbler 2Yellow Warbler 8Black-and-white Warbler 4American Redstart 3Northern Waterthrush 4Common Yellowthroat 1 (Ambergil.)Canada Warbler 1 (Lookout Hill.)Chipping Sparrow 1 (Bartel-Pritchard area.)Song Sparrow XNorthern Cardinal XRed-winged Blackbird XCommon Grackle XBaltimore Oriole X (Fairly common.)American Goldfinch X (Including fledgling being fed at Lookout butterfly meadow.)House Sparrow X