Sunday, August 31, 2008

eve 8/31: Common Nighthawks show

Favorable northwest wind tonight signaled to me Common Nighthhawk migration. Between 7:30 and 8 PM, I stationed myself at the south end of the Nethermead meadow for pending dusk viewing. Over the course of a half hour, 21 Common Nighthawks dominated the sky , ranging mostly above treetops on both sides of Center Drive from the Nethermead Arches eastward. Eventually, a smattering of them cruised over the meadow into Lookout Hill's airspace, these nighthawks showing off their jerky like flight.Observing Common Nighthawks in August has become an annual spectacle for me, a last hurrah for summer's end.

21 Common Nighthawk, perimeter woods and above Nethermead Meadow.
