Sunday, June 5, 2011

BBC Founding Day; 6/4 Prospect

Today is the Brooklyn Bird Club's 102nd birthday, founded and established June 5th, 1909

From Rafael:

04 June 2011

Expecting a slow day (morning), I went to PP around 8 am but the surprises were around the corner.

Vale, almost deserted. Nice to see 2 RTHAWKs on the nest (Nellie's lawn). Rick's Place & Midwood nothing, except for the singing WOOD THRUSH.

But the "Tyrants" (aka Tyrannidae = flycatchers) started in Midwood, when I heard the first Great Crested Flycatcher. Another one was heard around Quaker Hill. But Lookout Hill was the start of everything when I heard & saw 1 Eastern Wood Pewee (FOY), later I heard another one by the Boulder Bridge. At Terrace Bridge, I heard & saw 1 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, another one was heard & seen around the Ravine. At Peninsula, I heard & saw 1 Willow Flycatcher. And the icing of the cake, 1 Eastern Kingbird, Peninsula.

Warblers, except for the quite vocal & visible Yellow Warbler, I heard, only once, perhaps a very late Ovenbird. Another group of birders, saw 1 American Redstart near the Terrace Bridge.

Nothing else, could be call exceptional, excep that PP is still full of surprises, even the so called "Spring migration" is over.

Brooklyn is great birding: Rafael Campos R.