Thanks to the latest birders who donated cash for birdseed for the park feeders:
Janet Schumacher, Edith Goren, Hillary Salk, Alonzo MacKenzie, Neal and Betty Frumkin,Elyse Shiller-Taylor.
A newsboard for reporting bird sightings, happenings & announcements in north Brooklyn and the 3 main central north Brooklyn green regions : historic Prospect Park, Brooklyn Botanic Garden , & Greenwood Cemetery.A Brooklyn Bird Club service Note: short posts of rare sightings /activity alerts are sent by cell phone.If the species name(s)/locale is first in the title heading, it's a cellphone text message afield.Also note: Brooklyn Conservation posts.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
December 30th Prospect
Hilights: 2 different gender Eastern Towhees, Rusty Blackbird
From Peter:
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/30/09
Number of species: 33
note: lake is 98% frozen
Canada Goose 225 lake
Mute Swan 3 lake
Wood Duck 1 drake boathouse pond
American Black Duck 3 lake
Mallard 35 lake
Northern Shoveler 60 lake
Red-tailed Hawk 1 juv north midwood
American Coot 9 lake
Ring-billed Gull 600
Herring Gull (American) 25 lake
Great Black-backed Gull 7 lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove 14 feeders
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 feeders
Downy Woodpecker 2 feeders
Blue Jay 2 binnen pool
Black-capped Chickadee 2 feeders
Tufted Titmouse 2 --1 feeders; 1 rink
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
Brown Creeper 1 elephant hill /west midwood slope
Winter Wren 1 elephant hill /west midwood slope
Hermit Thrush 1 Lower pool ( also obs Mary Eyster)
Northern Mockingbird 1 east wood arch building entrance
European Starling X
Eastern Towhee 1 female east wood arch building entrance,then lily pool meadow
Fox Sparrow (Red) 2--feeders; south midwood
White-throated Sparrow 135 south midwood up to slope
Northern Cardinal 14--9 east wood arch;5 south midwood
Common Grackle 1 Lily Pool
House Finch 8 feeders
American Goldfinch 3 feeders
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Alex Wilson:
Begin forwarded messag
> Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/30/09
> Number of species: 43
> Canada Goose 150
> Mute Swan 5
> American Black Duck 4
> American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 1
> Mallard 150
> Northern Shoveler 45
> Great Blue Heron 2
> Red-tailed Hawk 2
> Merlin 1 (Nethermead.)
> American Coot 11
> Ring-billed Gull 700
> Herring Gull (American) 40
> Great Black-backed Gull 2
> Rock Pigeon 25
> Mourning Dove 30
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 8
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 5
> Downy Woodpecker 8
> Hairy Woodpecker 2
> Blue Jay 10
> American Crow 1
> Black-capped Chickadee 10
> Tufted Titmouse 4
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 (Breeze Hill feeders.)
> White-breasted Nuthatch 6
> Brown Creeper 1
> Carolina Wren 4
> Winter Wren 1
> Golden-crowned Kinglet 2
> American Robin 25
> Northern Mockingbird 2
> European Starling 100
> Eastern Towhee 1 (Male, stream behind Music Pagoda.)
> Fox Sparrow (Red) 3
> Song Sparrow 2
> Swamp Sparrow 1
> White-throated Sparrow 75
> Northern Cardinal 30
> Red-winged Blackbird 8
> Rusty Blackbird 1 (Behind Music Pagoda.)
> Common Grackle 1 (Juvenile, behind Music Pagoda.)
> House Finch 20
> American Goldfinch 20
> House Sparrow 30
From Peter:
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/30/09
Number of species: 33
note: lake is 98% frozen
Canada Goose 225 lake
Mute Swan 3 lake
Wood Duck 1 drake boathouse pond
American Black Duck 3 lake
Mallard 35 lake
Northern Shoveler 60 lake
Red-tailed Hawk 1 juv north midwood
American Coot 9 lake
Ring-billed Gull 600
Herring Gull (American) 25 lake
Great Black-backed Gull 7 lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove 14 feeders
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 feeders
Downy Woodpecker 2 feeders
Blue Jay 2 binnen pool
Black-capped Chickadee 2 feeders
Tufted Titmouse 2 --1 feeders; 1 rink
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
Brown Creeper 1 elephant hill /west midwood slope
Winter Wren 1 elephant hill /west midwood slope
Hermit Thrush 1 Lower pool ( also obs Mary Eyster)
Northern Mockingbird 1 east wood arch building entrance
European Starling X
Eastern Towhee 1 female east wood arch building entrance,then lily pool meadow
Fox Sparrow (Red) 2--feeders; south midwood
White-throated Sparrow 135 south midwood up to slope
Northern Cardinal 14--9 east wood arch;5 south midwood
Common Grackle 1 Lily Pool
House Finch 8 feeders
American Goldfinch 3 feeders
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Alex Wilson:
Begin forwarded messag
> Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/30/09
> Number of species: 43
> Canada Goose 150
> Mute Swan 5
> American Black Duck 4
> American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 1
> Mallard 150
> Northern Shoveler 45
> Great Blue Heron 2
> Red-tailed Hawk 2
> Merlin 1 (Nethermead.)
> American Coot 11
> Ring-billed Gull 700
> Herring Gull (American) 40
> Great Black-backed Gull 2
> Rock Pigeon 25
> Mourning Dove 30
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 8
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 5
> Downy Woodpecker 8
> Hairy Woodpecker 2
> Blue Jay 10
> American Crow 1
> Black-capped Chickadee 10
> Tufted Titmouse 4
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 (Breeze Hill feeders.)
> White-breasted Nuthatch 6
> Brown Creeper 1
> Carolina Wren 4
> Winter Wren 1
> Golden-crowned Kinglet 2
> American Robin 25
> Northern Mockingbird 2
> European Starling 100
> Eastern Towhee 1 (Male, stream behind Music Pagoda.)
> Fox Sparrow (Red) 3
> Song Sparrow 2
> Swamp Sparrow 1
> White-throated Sparrow 75
> Northern Cardinal 30
> Red-winged Blackbird 8
> Rusty Blackbird 1 (Behind Music Pagoda.)
> Common Grackle 1 (Juvenile, behind Music Pagoda.)
> House Finch 20
> American Goldfinch 20
> House Sparrow 30
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
December 29th Prospect

Hilight today : Common Merganser hen at Three Sisters Islands (late afternoon)
From Rob Jett:
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/29/09
Number of species: 10
American Black Duck 1
Mallard 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Tufted Titmouse 2
Brown Creeper 1
Winter Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 3
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal 1
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Rob Jett:
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/29/09
Number of species: 10
American Black Duck 1
Mallard 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Tufted Titmouse 2
Brown Creeper 1
Winter Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 3
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal 1
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Peter:
Facing a brutal , bone-chilling cold wind sweeping off Prospect Lake, I scouted briefly after work anything on the lake for the last hurrah of 2009 . Though not sure if it's a new year '09 species ( unlikely) till I check the office records ( or ebirds ), a hen COMMON MERGANSER flew off near an ice section on the south shore adjacent to Three Sister Islands. I was able to catch field marks of red head, with a white sliver chinstrap, and bulky white body as she flew to the front of the islands.
Facing a brutal , bone-chilling cold wind sweeping off Prospect Lake, I scouted briefly after work anything on the lake for the last hurrah of 2009 . Though not sure if it's a new year '09 species ( unlikely) till I check the office records ( or ebirds ), a hen COMMON MERGANSER flew off near an ice section on the south shore adjacent to Three Sister Islands. I was able to catch field marks of red head, with a white sliver chinstrap, and bulky white body as she flew to the front of the islands.
The wind all day made trees sway strongly and that pretty much kept birds down.Hence why I didn't get around to recording what landbirds there were, never getting around to the feeders. Though cold isn't a deterrent for me,an experienced winter birder, sometimes it's one of those days you head towards warm places . Today was one of those days.
Keep yourself bundle up!
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/29/09
Number of species: 19
Canada Goose 275 lake
Mute Swan 4 lake
American Black Duck X lake
Mallard X lake
Northern Shoveler 210 lake
Common Merganser 1 hen Three Sister Islands
Great Blue Heron 1 Duck Island
Cooper's Hawk 1 9th street propsite , adult
Red-tailed Hawk 1 Midwood
American Coot X lake
Ring-billed Gull X lake
Herring Gull X lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Downy Woodpecker 1 Duck Island
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 lily pool
American Robin 3 f/o garage
European Starling X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Keep yourself bundle up!
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/29/09
Number of species: 19
Canada Goose 275 lake
Mute Swan 4 lake
American Black Duck X lake
Mallard X lake
Northern Shoveler 210 lake
Common Merganser 1 hen Three Sister Islands
Great Blue Heron 1 Duck Island
Cooper's Hawk 1 9th street propsite , adult
Red-tailed Hawk 1 Midwood
American Coot X lake
Ring-billed Gull X lake
Herring Gull X lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Downy Woodpecker 1 Duck Island
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 lily pool
American Robin 3 f/o garage
European Starling X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Kingsboider note: After checking the ebird records, Common Merganser was seen a number of times in the first three months of 2009. So , it is not a new year species with today's sighting. Where does the year fly ?
Monday, December 28, 2009
photo of RT Hawk 12/28

cell phone photo taken of juvenile Red-tailed Hawk perched on dead tree , watching the ground for prey . (on Lookout Hill adj to road) Lists for 12/28 previous blog post.
December 28th Prospect
From Larry Zirlin:
Hi Peter,
Finally got back to the park today. A good mix of birds at the feeders. The most interesting thing I saw was the Wood Duck, out in the open on the Boathouse pool swimming around with about 40 Mallards. I guess all the little coves where they like to hang out are frozen so there was really no place else for him to go. The Bufflehead was on the lake in among the shovelers.
Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/28/09
Number of species: 29
Canada Goose 175
Mute Swan 6
Wood Duck 1
American Black Duck 5
Mallard 115
Northern Shoveler 70
Bufflehead 1 Lake
Ruddy Duck 7
American Coot 7
Ring-billed Gull 500
Herring Gull 5
Great Black-backed Gull 1
Rock Pigeon 53
Mourning Dove 15 Under the feeders
Red-bellied Woodpecker 4 one @ feeders
Downy Woodpecker 4 one @ feeders
Blue Jay 6
Black-capped Chickadee 3 two @ feeders
Tufted Titmouse 2 one @ feeders
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 2 feeders
American Robin 1
Fox Sparrow 3 Ravine
Song Sparrow 3
White-throated Sparrow 20
Dark-eyed Junco 3 one @ feeders, 2 on Lullwater trail.
Northern Cardinal 5 female on feeders
House Finch 3 feeders
American Goldfinch 2 Lullwater trail
From Peter
lake birding after work; few land sightings
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/28/09
Number of species: 14
Canada Goose 125--25 Parade Grounds, rest Lake or shore
Mute Swan 5 lake
American Black Duck 7 lake
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) X lake
Bufflehead--drake Three Sisters Islands
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 75 lake
Ruddy Duck 5 lake
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 juv Duck island
Red-tailed Hawk 2-- juvenile Lookout Hill ( see cell phone photo); f/o lake
American Coot 6 lake
Ring-billed Gull 275 lake
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Northern Cardinal 2 west island
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Hi Peter,
Finally got back to the park today. A good mix of birds at the feeders. The most interesting thing I saw was the Wood Duck, out in the open on the Boathouse pool swimming around with about 40 Mallards. I guess all the little coves where they like to hang out are frozen so there was really no place else for him to go. The Bufflehead was on the lake in among the shovelers.
Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/28/09
Number of species: 29
Canada Goose 175
Mute Swan 6
Wood Duck 1
American Black Duck 5
Mallard 115
Northern Shoveler 70
Bufflehead 1 Lake
Ruddy Duck 7
American Coot 7
Ring-billed Gull 500
Herring Gull 5
Great Black-backed Gull 1
Rock Pigeon 53
Mourning Dove 15 Under the feeders
Red-bellied Woodpecker 4 one @ feeders
Downy Woodpecker 4 one @ feeders
Blue Jay 6
Black-capped Chickadee 3 two @ feeders
Tufted Titmouse 2 one @ feeders
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 2 feeders
American Robin 1
Fox Sparrow 3 Ravine
Song Sparrow 3
White-throated Sparrow 20
Dark-eyed Junco 3 one @ feeders, 2 on Lullwater trail.
Northern Cardinal 5 female on feeders
House Finch 3 feeders
American Goldfinch 2 Lullwater trail
From Peter
lake birding after work; few land sightings
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/28/09
Number of species: 14
Canada Goose 125--25 Parade Grounds, rest Lake or shore
Mute Swan 5 lake
American Black Duck 7 lake
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) X lake
Bufflehead--drake Three Sisters Islands
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 75 lake
Ruddy Duck 5 lake
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 juv Duck island
Red-tailed Hawk 2-- juvenile Lookout Hill ( see cell phone photo); f/o lake
American Coot 6 lake
Ring-billed Gull 275 lake
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Northern Cardinal 2 west island
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Prospect weekend reports
December 26th
Observers :Peter D, Mary E.
Note: moderate /heavy rain ; 32 Black-backed Gulls on the lake ( pretty high)
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/26/09
Number of species: 22
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan 5 lake
Wood Duck 1 boathouse pond
American Black Duck 3 three sisters islands
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 175 three sisters islands
Bufflehead 1 three sisters islands
Ruddy Duck 1 three sisters islands
Red-tailed Hawk 1 LP 249
American Coot 8 three sisters islands
Ring-billed Gull 1200 lake
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull 31 lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Black-capped Chickadee 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
European Starling X
Song Sparrow 1 feeders
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
House Finch 13 feeders
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
December 27th
Brooklyn Bird Club Prospect Centennial walk ( concluding and last festive theme walk for 2009)
leading : Peter Dorosh
9 participants
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/27/09
Number of species: 39
Canada Goose X lake
Mute Swan 6 lake
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 150 lake
Double-crested Cormorant 1 lake
Cooper's Hawk 1 Bartel Pritchard
Red-tailed Hawk 3--1 north woods f/o; 2 f/o boathouse
American Coot X lake
Ring-billed Gull 1200 lake
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull 27 lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2 --1 vale cashmere;1 feeders
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 2-- 1 LP 249; 1 vale cashmere
Downy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay X
American Crow 1 f/o zoo
Fish Crow 2 f/o zoo
Black-capped Chickadee 3 --2 Vale Cashmere,one feeders
Tufted Titmouse 2 -1 feeders;1 Vale Cashmere
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 2--one Valecashmere; one feeders
Winter Wren 1 Zoo
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 LP 249
Hermit Thrush 1 vale cashmere
American Robin 6 zoo
Northern Mockingbird 1 boathouse
European Starling X
Eastern Towhee 1 lily pool
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow 1 vale cashmere
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) X
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird 5 f/o boathouse
Common Grackle 1 boathouse
American Goldfinch 2 zoo
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
During today and last thursday, three Ring-billed Gulls were seen with orange circle wing tags with the numerals #318,345 ( today) and #332 on Thursday.All the numbers were reported to Bird Banding Laboratory this eve. When results (where banded) are returned, they will be posted on this blog.
From Rafael Campos:
Date: 27 December 2009
Place: Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY
Observers: Rafael Campos + P. Dorosh and members of BBC
Today was the last guided walk to celebrated the 100th years of Brooklyn Bird Club. The walk was lead by our president, Peter, and we were 10 in total.
We started in Grand Army Plaza, went to the Vale to have a toast for 100th anniversary of BBC, and continued around PP. I left around noon, when we got to the lake.
Here is the list of the birds recorded while I was with the group:
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
Northern Shoveler
Double-crested Cormorant
Red-tailed Hawk
American Coot
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Blue Jay
Fish Crow (2 flew over PP Zoo)
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Red-breasted Nuthatch (1, feeders)
White-breasted Nuthatch
Winter Wren
Hermit Thrush (1 Vale)
American Robin
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
Eastern Towhee (1 female)
Swamp Sparrow (1, Vale)
White-throated Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
Common Grackle (1)
House Finch (feeders)
House Sparrow
Observers :Peter D, Mary E.
Note: moderate /heavy rain ; 32 Black-backed Gulls on the lake ( pretty high)
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/26/09
Number of species: 22
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan 5 lake
Wood Duck 1 boathouse pond
American Black Duck 3 three sisters islands
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 175 three sisters islands
Bufflehead 1 three sisters islands
Ruddy Duck 1 three sisters islands
Red-tailed Hawk 1 LP 249
American Coot 8 three sisters islands
Ring-billed Gull 1200 lake
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull 31 lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Black-capped Chickadee 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
European Starling X
Song Sparrow 1 feeders
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
House Finch 13 feeders
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
December 27th
Brooklyn Bird Club Prospect Centennial walk ( concluding and last festive theme walk for 2009)
leading : Peter Dorosh
9 participants
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/27/09
Number of species: 39
Canada Goose X lake
Mute Swan 6 lake
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 150 lake
Double-crested Cormorant 1 lake
Cooper's Hawk 1 Bartel Pritchard
Red-tailed Hawk 3--1 north woods f/o; 2 f/o boathouse
American Coot X lake
Ring-billed Gull 1200 lake
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull 27 lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2 --1 vale cashmere;1 feeders
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 2-- 1 LP 249; 1 vale cashmere
Downy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay X
American Crow 1 f/o zoo
Fish Crow 2 f/o zoo
Black-capped Chickadee 3 --2 Vale Cashmere,one feeders
Tufted Titmouse 2 -1 feeders;1 Vale Cashmere
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 2--one Valecashmere; one feeders
Winter Wren 1 Zoo
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 LP 249
Hermit Thrush 1 vale cashmere
American Robin 6 zoo
Northern Mockingbird 1 boathouse
European Starling X
Eastern Towhee 1 lily pool
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow 1 vale cashmere
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) X
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird 5 f/o boathouse
Common Grackle 1 boathouse
American Goldfinch 2 zoo
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
During today and last thursday, three Ring-billed Gulls were seen with orange circle wing tags with the numerals #318,345 ( today) and #332 on Thursday.All the numbers were reported to Bird Banding Laboratory this eve. When results (where banded) are returned, they will be posted on this blog.
From Rafael Campos:
Date: 27 December 2009
Place: Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY
Observers: Rafael Campos + P. Dorosh and members of BBC
Today was the last guided walk to celebrated the 100th years of Brooklyn Bird Club. The walk was lead by our president, Peter, and we were 10 in total.
We started in Grand Army Plaza, went to the Vale to have a toast for 100th anniversary of BBC, and continued around PP. I left around noon, when we got to the lake.
Here is the list of the birds recorded while I was with the group:
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
Northern Shoveler
Double-crested Cormorant
Red-tailed Hawk
American Coot
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Blue Jay
Fish Crow (2 flew over PP Zoo)
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Red-breasted Nuthatch (1, feeders)
White-breasted Nuthatch
Winter Wren
Hermit Thrush (1 Vale)
American Robin
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
Eastern Towhee (1 female)
Swamp Sparrow (1, Vale)
White-throated Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
Common Grackle (1)
House Finch (feeders)
House Sparrow
Brooklyn Christmas Bird Count certified numbers ( & regional breakdown); and the Los Angeles Times coverage of the Brooklyn CBC
Birders and blog readers:
Two items of note regarding the December 19th Brooklyn Christmas Bird Count (CBC):
The Prospect Park CBC south team and the count dinner was covered by reporter Tina Susman , national correspondent for the Los Angeles Times.
attached is the link to the story that appeared Saturday Dec 26th.,0,5325754.story
And I have received the certified ( final numbers ) for the Brooklyn CBC by region for your scrutiny and reading. Enjoy. (thanks to compiler Rick Cech, and Rob Jett for converting the spreadsheet into an online link)
Good Birding,
"The Kingsboider"
Two items of note regarding the December 19th Brooklyn Christmas Bird Count (CBC):
The Prospect Park CBC south team and the count dinner was covered by reporter Tina Susman , national correspondent for the Los Angeles Times.
attached is the link to the story that appeared Saturday Dec 26th.,0,5325754.story
And I have received the certified ( final numbers ) for the Brooklyn CBC by region for your scrutiny and reading. Enjoy. (thanks to compiler Rick Cech, and Rob Jett for converting the spreadsheet into an online link)
Good Birding,
"The Kingsboider"
Friday, December 25, 2009
Holiday Wishes from the BBC

wishes all a Merry Christmas !
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve Day: Prospect Park and the Garden ( 3 reports)

Christmas Eve is a day of contemplation for me. Rather than go crazy with "holi-DAZE " and the frenzied stress of wrapping gifts, or buying last minute gifts, maybe bake a bread or other miscellaneous tasks, I need the solitude of nature and its reflective soothing effect to experience the most of this festive time. So, I make it a habit to try to bird and enjoy holiday gifts nature gives on this day.
And nature did give me a gift..sort of ( and so did I :)> , buying last minute gifts at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden gift found some color, like Christmas ornaments on a tree, only the tree wasn't a conifer but the Ilex (from the Holly family) Macrocarpa where "ornaments" were actually two BALTIMORE ORIOLES feeding on the black fruit. Later Rob Bate reported three Orioles..It appears the trio stuck around since late fall when they were first reported. Go figure, instead of 3 french hens, we get to see Three Baltimore Orioles.
And not to get too carry away with that Christmas song, I like to substitute a Partridge in a pear tree with "and a PEREGRINE in a steel tower". Yep, a single Peregrine Falcon perched on one of the side antennae frames of the BBG radio tower at the garden's south end. I even watched the Peregrine thru the basement window as I lunched at the garden cafe.
Last, the feeders were showing quite a flurry of bird activity. Cardinals, White-throated sparrows, Fox Sparrow, White-breasted Nuthatch, Juncos, Downy Woodpecker,Chickadees are all receiving the gift of seed, thanks to the folks who gave me donations . That's what it's about:giving.
Merry Christmas everyone. May peace and good will come to all.
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/24/09
Number of species: 34
Canada Goose 200 lake
Mute Swan 6 lake
American Black Duck 1 lake
Mallard X lake
Northern Shoveler 475 at Three Sister Islands
Bufflehead 1 drake Three Sister Islands
Double-crested Cormorant 1 lake
Great Blue Heron 1 standing on ice Boathouse pond
Red-tailed Hawk 1 f/o Boathouse
American Coot 19 lake
Ring-billed Gull 1100 lake
Herring Gull 60 lake
Great Black-backed Gull 3 lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Downy Woodpecker 3 feeders
Blue Jay 1
Black-capped Chickadee 3
Tufted Titmouse 1 breeze hill
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
American Robin 1 feeders
Northern Mockingbird 2--well drive; breeze hill
European Starling X
Fox Sparrow 1 feeders
Song Sparrow 2 west island phragmites;feeders
Swamp Sparrow 1 west island phragmites
White-throated Sparrow 40
Dark-eyed Junco 60 breeze hill/feeders
Northern Cardinal 14--8 feeders,3 boathouse,3 weellhouse
Common Grackle 1 boathouse
House Finch 4 feeders
American Goldfinch 2 feeders, one still breeding plmg bird
House Sparrow X
Location: Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Observation date: 12/24/09
Number of species: 14
Great Blue Heron 1 f/o
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Peregrine Falcon 1 BBG radio tower, on side antennae
Downy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay 1
American Robin 28
Northern Mockingbird 1
European Starling X
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco X
Northern Cardinal 4
Baltimore Oriole 3 juv males Ilex Macrocarpa tree opp Conservatory , in Holly section
House Finch 2
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Keir:
hi Peter
Some highlights from the PP feeders this pm:
Red-breasted Nuthatch (1)
Hermit Thrush (1)
Fox Sparrow (1)
From Alex Wilson:
Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/24/09
> Notes: Probable Northern Shoveler X Blue-winged Teal hybrid in > the Shoveler flock on the Lake. Drake plumage with clearly marked > facial crescent, but nearly same size as female Shovelers, with > ghosting of ruddy sides, pale breast and green hood; orange eyes.
Some pictures at:
> Number of species: 46
> Canada Goose 100
> Mute Swan 6
> American Black Duck 5
> American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 1
> Mallard 100
> Northern Shoveler 300
> Bufflehead 1
> Double-crested Cormorant 1
> Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 (Juvenile, Lookout Hill.)
> Red-tailed Hawk 2
> Merlin 1 (Long Meadow.)
> Peregrine Falcon 2 (On signal tower at east corner of park/> BBG.)
> American Coot 25
> Ring-billed Gull 1000
> Herring Gull (American) 80
> Great Black-backed Gull 3
> Rock Pigeon 30
> Mourning Dove 20
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 6
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 3
> Downy Woodpecker 10
> Hairy Woodpecker 3
> Blue Jay 10
> American Crow 1
> Black-capped Chickadee 10
> Tufted Titmouse 4
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 (Feeders.)
> White-breasted Nuthatch 8
> Brown Creeper 1
> Carolina Wren 3
> Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 (Peninsula.)
> Hermit Thrush 1 (Terrace Bridge NE.)
> American Robin 100
> Northern Mockingbird 3
> European Starling 150
> Eastern Towhee 1 Between Boathouse/Upper Lullwater.)
> Fox Sparrow (Red) 8
> Song Sparrow 3
> Swamp Sparrow 2
> White-throated Sparrow 100
> Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 30
> Northern Cardinal 30
> Red-winged Blackbird 2
> Common Grackle 1
> House Finch 12
> American Goldfinch 10
> House Sparrow 25
> This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
December 23rd Prospect

Hilight today was a RUSTY BLACKBIRD at the "Sparrow bowl " , the vale between the Tennis house and Picnic House. It was seen feeding with American Robins ( Rob Jett); Also, regarding the strange, an AMERICAN GOLDFINCH seen still in breeding plumage ! First seen on the Xmas count by team PP South, in sweetgums by West Island shelter, today's sighting seen by Rob took place at the feeders on the thistle. See Rob's terrific photo--->
Rob's day report:
Here's my latest Prospect report.
Begin forwarded message:
> Date: December 23, 2009 5:49:05 PM EST
> Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park , 12/23/09
> Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/23/09
> Number of species: 40
> Canada Goose X
> Mute Swan 3
> Wood Duck 1
> American Black Duck 4
> American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 3
> Mallard X
> Northern Shoveler 514
> Bufflehead 1
> Hooded Merganser 2
> Great Blue Heron 1
> Red-tailed Hawk 2
> American Coot 10
> Ring-billed Gull 1500
> Herring Gull (American) 100
> Great Black-backed Gull 2
> Rock Pigeon X
> Mourning Dove X
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 3
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
> Downy Woodpecker 1
> Hairy Woodpecker 1
> Blue Jay X
> Black-capped Chickadee 6
> Tufted Titmouse 5
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 2
> White-breasted Nuthatch 5
> Carolina Wren 3
> American Robin 100
> Northern Mockingbird 3
> European Starling X
> Cedar Waxwing 2
> Fox Sparrow 5
> Song Sparrow 3
> White-throated Sparrow 65
> Dark-eyed Junco 12
> Northern Cardinal 12
> Rusty Blackbird 1
> Brown-headed Cowbird 3
> House Finch 6
> American Goldfinch 2
> House Sparrow X
> This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Peter:
Just casual observations today ,esp when I refilled the feeders. Of note were 11 House finches on the feeders ; and a massed concentration of Northern Shoveler by my best estimate 250 minimum birds without a scope ( too far for me) .Tomorrow I am off for Xmas eve and I am hoping for some early presents in a good bird if i can get out for a few hours in Prospect and the Garden...who knows ? Maybe a good present in a pine tree?
Note: I see Rob's posting of 514! where did they go all this time ??
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/23/09
Number of species: 17
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan 6 lake
Northern Shoveler 250 lake, greatest concentration at Three Sisters
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull 2 lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1 --16th street entrance "Golden Stairs")
Black-capped Chickadee 3 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
Fox Sparrow (Red) 1 below feeders
White-throated Sparrow 8 feeders
Dark-eyed Junco 20 9th st Propsite
Northern Cardinal 3 feeders
House Finch 11 feeders
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
~270 SNOW GEESE high flyover
~270 SNOW GEESE high flyover seen from Center Drive at south Midwood 10am. Private jet seen crossing above the 4 "V " flocks
Monday, December 21, 2009
Historical Screech Owl sighting in Brooklyn
Some belated yet historical news for Brooklyn's natural history
Paul Sweet, Collections manager for the Division of Vertebrate Zoology - Ornithology of the American Museum of Natural History alerted me a few weeks ago of a small owl that was spotted roosting inside a backyard dense wisteria vine on October 18th this past fall at the home of a person he knew. He requested a photograph of the bird which he received and identified as SCREECH OWL , gray phased. It stayed only one day, seen between 2 and 6 pm. After dusk, it flew up to a birch tree and departed. I just received more details yesterday after inquiring Paul who contacted again the lucky observer.
The location of the roosting bird was in the Cobble Hill section, on Baltic Street between 4th and 5th Avenues.
Unless I received any other specific dated documentation, this sighting represents the FIRST SCREECH OWL sighting in Brooklyn in close to fifty years ! According to the NYS Bulls atlas, Screech Owl purportedly were recorded in Prospect Park in the early 1960's . A noted very early sighting documented on my office records was a Screech Owl seen around Christmas Day in 1908 (Observer, Dr Edward and Kate P Vietor ), when actual Christmas Bird Counts took place on or very close to December 25th.
from Cornell's ebird, a profile
Good birding,
--The Kingsboider
Paul Sweet, Collections manager for the Division of Vertebrate Zoology - Ornithology of the American Museum of Natural History alerted me a few weeks ago of a small owl that was spotted roosting inside a backyard dense wisteria vine on October 18th this past fall at the home of a person he knew. He requested a photograph of the bird which he received and identified as SCREECH OWL , gray phased. It stayed only one day, seen between 2 and 6 pm. After dusk, it flew up to a birch tree and departed. I just received more details yesterday after inquiring Paul who contacted again the lucky observer.
The location of the roosting bird was in the Cobble Hill section, on Baltic Street between 4th and 5th Avenues.
Unless I received any other specific dated documentation, this sighting represents the FIRST SCREECH OWL sighting in Brooklyn in close to fifty years ! According to the NYS Bulls atlas, Screech Owl purportedly were recorded in Prospect Park in the early 1960's . A noted very early sighting documented on my office records was a Screech Owl seen around Christmas Day in 1908 (Observer, Dr Edward and Kate P Vietor ), when actual Christmas Bird Counts took place on or very close to December 25th.
from Cornell's ebird, a profile
Good birding,
--The Kingsboider
December 21st, Winter Solstice

Cheer up, tomorrow we start gaining 4 minutes every day towards springtime...
Feeder birds seen during a 10 minute late afternoon watch:
Red-bellied Woodpecker
White-throated Sparrows
Dark-eyed Juncos
Blue Jay
Red-winged Blackbird
Mourning Doves
Downy Woodpecker
White-breasted Nuthatch
~130 Northern Shoverlers
Bufflehead (drake, missed during Prospect xmas count)
Ring-billed Gulls ( many many more gulls this late morn/ afternoon ,but I was too beat chopping ice on park many stairs this morning to look.)
American Black Duck
Feeder birds seen during a 10 minute late afternoon watch:
Red-bellied Woodpecker
White-throated Sparrows
Dark-eyed Juncos
Blue Jay
Red-winged Blackbird
Mourning Doves
Downy Woodpecker
White-breasted Nuthatch
~130 Northern Shoverlers
Bufflehead (drake, missed during Prospect xmas count)
Ring-billed Gulls ( many many more gulls this late morn/ afternoon ,but I was too beat chopping ice on park many stairs this morning to look.)
American Black Duck
Canada Geese
other -Cardinals, WT Sparrows on paths....
other -Cardinals, WT Sparrows on paths....
PS>Thanks to Eni Falci for her 20 dollar donation for birdseed for the feeders.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
December 20th, on the day after the Xmas count, we shalt rest...
Two reports received for Prospect on this busy winter wonderland day full of snow revelers ( well,tired i was, i just had to XC ski !). The Xmas count tally by regions is in my hands. I will figure out how to post the file on this blog.
In the meantime...
From Rob Jett:
> Date: December 20, 2009 4:40:16 PM EST
> Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park , 12/20/09
Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/20/09
> Number of species: 39
> Canada Goose X
> Wood Duck 1
> American Black Duck X
> Mallard X
> Northern Shoveler 40
> Bufflehead 1
> Ruddy Duck X
> Cooper's Hawk 1
> Red-tailed Hawk 1
> American Coot X
> Ring-billed Gull 1500
> Herring Gull (American) X
> Great Black-backed Gull 1
> Rock Pigeon X
> Mourning Dove 25
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
> Downy Woodpecker 3
> Hairy Woodpecker 2
> Blue Jay 6
> Black-capped Chickadee 4
> Tufted Titmouse 6
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 2
> White-breasted Nuthatch 2
> Carolina Wren 4
> Winter Wren 1
> American Robin X
> European Starling X
> Cedar Waxwing 6
> Fox Sparrow 7
> Song Sparrow 5
> Swamp Sparrow 1
> White-throated Sparrow 35
> Dark-eyed Junco 20
> Northern Cardinal 10
> Red-winged Blackbird 2
> Common Grackle 1
> Brown-headed Cowbird 1
> House Finch 10
> House Sparrow X
> This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Donna Evans:
I went to Prospect Park today, 9:15AM
- 1:30 PM, scouted the Lake (W & N side),
Peninsula, Lullwater,Binnenwater, and
Lookout Hill and saw (in among the children
sledders, adult skiers, dog walkers,
and prowling photographers):
D-C Cormorant (1)
Canada Goose (x)
Mute Swan (8)
Mallard (x)
Northern Shoveler (74)
Bufflehead (2)
American Coot (24)
Ring-billed Gull (x)
Herring Gull (x)
Great Black-backed Gull (1)
Rock Dove (x)
Mourning Dove (18)
Downy Woodpecker (1)
Blue Jay (3)
Brown Creeper (1) --Peninsula
Golden-crowned Kinglet (2) --Peninsula
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1) --Lullwater
Song Sparrow (2) - lake side & Lookout
White-throated Sparrow (15)
Dark-eyed Junco (2) -Lullwater & Lookout
Northern Cardinal (8)
Red-winged Blackbird (4)
House Finch (2) -- Sweetgum at lake side
American Goldfinch (2) -- Sweetgum at lake side
House Sparrow (2)
In the meantime...
From Rob Jett:
> Date: December 20, 2009 4:40:16 PM EST
> Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park , 12/20/09
Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/20/09
> Number of species: 39
> Canada Goose X
> Wood Duck 1
> American Black Duck X
> Mallard X
> Northern Shoveler 40
> Bufflehead 1
> Ruddy Duck X
> Cooper's Hawk 1
> Red-tailed Hawk 1
> American Coot X
> Ring-billed Gull 1500
> Herring Gull (American) X
> Great Black-backed Gull 1
> Rock Pigeon X
> Mourning Dove 25
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
> Downy Woodpecker 3
> Hairy Woodpecker 2
> Blue Jay 6
> Black-capped Chickadee 4
> Tufted Titmouse 6
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 2
> White-breasted Nuthatch 2
> Carolina Wren 4
> Winter Wren 1
> American Robin X
> European Starling X
> Cedar Waxwing 6
> Fox Sparrow 7
> Song Sparrow 5
> Swamp Sparrow 1
> White-throated Sparrow 35
> Dark-eyed Junco 20
> Northern Cardinal 10
> Red-winged Blackbird 2
> Common Grackle 1
> Brown-headed Cowbird 1
> House Finch 10
> House Sparrow X
> This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Donna Evans:
I went to Prospect Park today, 9:15AM
- 1:30 PM, scouted the Lake (W & N side),
Peninsula, Lullwater,Binnenwater, and
Lookout Hill and saw (in among the children
sledders, adult skiers, dog walkers,
and prowling photographers):
D-C Cormorant (1)
Canada Goose (x)
Mute Swan (8)
Mallard (x)
Northern Shoveler (74)
Bufflehead (2)
American Coot (24)
Ring-billed Gull (x)
Herring Gull (x)
Great Black-backed Gull (1)
Rock Dove (x)
Mourning Dove (18)
Downy Woodpecker (1)
Blue Jay (3)
Brown Creeper (1) --Peninsula
Golden-crowned Kinglet (2) --Peninsula
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1) --Lullwater
Song Sparrow (2) - lake side & Lookout
White-throated Sparrow (15)
Dark-eyed Junco (2) -Lullwater & Lookout
Northern Cardinal (8)
Red-winged Blackbird (4)
House Finch (2) -- Sweetgum at lake side
American Goldfinch (2) -- Sweetgum at lake side
House Sparrow (2)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Xmas count early UNOFFICIAL returns,
I am waiting for the Official results from CBC Complier Rick Cech, but early preliminary returns revealed 122 species overall for Brooklyn. Prospect Park had a low of 50 species, first I recalled that number in many years.However , at least 5 species were "saves" meaning that Prospect was the only spot that had that species. In time, I will post the official list and species deemed rare. Right now, I am beat....
Friday, December 18, 2009
Dec 18th Prospect
Tomorrow, December 19th is CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT DAY. If you are participating, have fun and count on... I will forward the results as soon as I get the official results.
Today's list was submitted by Rob Bate , birds seen today is part of the count period ( 1 day before and after the usual format)
Park was a bit busier than usual. 3 Grebes seem to be hanging for the count.
Rob B
Date: Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 2:48 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park , 12/18/09
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/18/09
Number of species: 33
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Bufflehead X
Ruddy Duck X
Pied-billed Grebe 3
Great Blue Heron X
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Hairy Woodpecker X
Blue Jay X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X
Red-breasted Nuthatch X
White-breasted Nuthatch X
Hermit Thrush X feeders
American Robin X
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco X
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Today's list was submitted by Rob Bate , birds seen today is part of the count period ( 1 day before and after the usual format)
Park was a bit busier than usual. 3 Grebes seem to be hanging for the count.
Rob B
Date: Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 2:48 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park , 12/18/09
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/18/09
Number of species: 33
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Bufflehead X
Ruddy Duck X
Pied-billed Grebe 3
Great Blue Heron X
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Hairy Woodpecker X
Blue Jay X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X
Red-breasted Nuthatch X
White-breasted Nuthatch X
Hermit Thrush X feeders
American Robin X
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco X
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Thursday, December 17, 2009
December 17th Prospect
Hilight today was a flock of ~145 SNOW GEESE including 2 blue morphs in a high flyover over the Nethermead , heading southwest around 10:10 am; also noted , Eastern Towhee ,Chipping Sparrow,Hermit Thrush ( previous 3 uncommon in winter), feeder birds
Searching for owls in any pine before the Xmas count becomes a passionate task,but oftentimes i get something else --unexpectantly. It happened while I was looking in some spruces on the Binnen Pool lawn, backed away, turned, when something caught my eye, multiple "dots" reflecting sunlight, a shimmering mass w-a-a-a-y up in the sky. Immediately I threw down my sunglasses , and trying to maneuver my arms inside my stuffy winter coat, I peered through my bins. Recognizing those black tips on the pure white wings and bodies, that shimmering mass struck me with a little awe, 145 SNOW GEESE higher than the planes that fly over the park. I mean ..that's high.I was surprised i caught sight of the flock.Thanks to my amber brown sunglasses, I got lucky today. (by the way, only one other Snow Goose sighting this year was a lone bird on the peninsula meadow in late March)
In that moving double "V" changing formation , I caught sight of two extreme formation birds, darker than the white shapes, two blue- morph Snow Geese. They really did stick out, believe me. A very impressive force that I lost a half a minute later as the flock flew southwesterly, the bright sun burning out any further clarification. Doesn't matter, I saw them long enough.
On the down to earth stage, the feeders are being visited by the usual winter species, but a handsome RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH has become a loyal customer. It should stick around.
I also paid visit to the private grounds of the Quaker Cemetery. I didn't have to go far in; just inside the main gate, on the active birdy slope, quality birds surfaced: HERMIT THRUSH,CAROLINA WREN,and CHIPPING SPARROW , unseasonal species except the wren.
And last, the boathouse slope path is a haven for EASTERN TOWHEE; this time, I caught sight of the female, deep within the witch hazel grove .
I am keeping my fingers crossed for these birds for the big count.
Nothing much on the lake, a seemingly empty place nowadays ,low numbers for ducks, except I can't say that for the Canada geese. There was a notable observation, near the West Island Shelter. From the circular benches, I spied 4 GADWALL along the phragmite edge.
I hear snow (or a maybe) is coming Saturday (30- 50 %) ...can't tell if that is good news or bad....except for skiers .
from online search, Blue morph Snow Goose -->> ( takes time to load)
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/17/09
Number of species: 43
Snow Goose 145 high flyover Nethermead @ 10:10 am
Canada Goose 230--about 45 on Parade groiunds, rest on lake
Mute Swan 4
Gadwall 4 --2 drake, 2 hen along phrags adj West Island shelter
American Black Duck 3 west Island
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Bufflehead --drake west Island
Ring-necked Duck 1 drake Upper Pool
Ruddy Duck X lake
Pied-billed Grebe 1 lullwater bridge
Double-crested Cormorant 1 rink waters
Great Blue Heron 2 upper pool
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 imm Duck island
Red-tailed Hawk 1 f/o Quaker Ridge
American Coot X lullwater
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull 1
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove 70
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 inside Quaker Cemetery
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1 Quaker Cemetery
Downy Woodpecker 1 feeder
Black-capped Chickadee 3 feeders
Tufted Titmouse 1 feeders
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 2 feeders
Carolina Wren 1 inside Quaker Cemetery
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 Boathouse slope
Hermit Thrush 1 inside Quaker Cemetery
American Robin 3 lullwater
Northern Mockingbird 1 rink
European Starling X
Eastern Towhee 1 female ,Boathouse slope path
Chipping Sparrow 1 inside Quaker Cemetery
Song Sparrow 2 breeze hill
White-throated Sparrow 40 inside Quaker Cemetery
Dark-eyed Junco 60--20 Propsite; 40 parkwide
Northern Cardinal 23--14 inside Quaker Cemetery; parkwide
Red-winged Blackbird 14 feeding in sweetgum over Center Drive
House Finch 2 feeders
American Goldfinch 1 inside Quaker Cemetery
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Thanks to Nancy Tim and Rob Bate for the latest donation of bird seed the past few days. It 'll be a wonderful season for all watching the winter collective of nuthatches, chickadees, woodpeckers, and friends...
Searching for owls in any pine before the Xmas count becomes a passionate task,but oftentimes i get something else --unexpectantly. It happened while I was looking in some spruces on the Binnen Pool lawn, backed away, turned, when something caught my eye, multiple "dots" reflecting sunlight, a shimmering mass w-a-a-a-y up in the sky. Immediately I threw down my sunglasses , and trying to maneuver my arms inside my stuffy winter coat, I peered through my bins. Recognizing those black tips on the pure white wings and bodies, that shimmering mass struck me with a little awe, 145 SNOW GEESE higher than the planes that fly over the park. I mean ..that's high.I was surprised i caught sight of the flock.Thanks to my amber brown sunglasses, I got lucky today. (by the way, only one other Snow Goose sighting this year was a lone bird on the peninsula meadow in late March)
In that moving double "V" changing formation , I caught sight of two extreme formation birds, darker than the white shapes, two blue- morph Snow Geese. They really did stick out, believe me. A very impressive force that I lost a half a minute later as the flock flew southwesterly, the bright sun burning out any further clarification. Doesn't matter, I saw them long enough.
On the down to earth stage, the feeders are being visited by the usual winter species, but a handsome RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH has become a loyal customer. It should stick around.
I also paid visit to the private grounds of the Quaker Cemetery. I didn't have to go far in; just inside the main gate, on the active birdy slope, quality birds surfaced: HERMIT THRUSH,CAROLINA WREN,and CHIPPING SPARROW , unseasonal species except the wren.
And last, the boathouse slope path is a haven for EASTERN TOWHEE; this time, I caught sight of the female, deep within the witch hazel grove .
I am keeping my fingers crossed for these birds for the big count.
Nothing much on the lake, a seemingly empty place nowadays ,low numbers for ducks, except I can't say that for the Canada geese. There was a notable observation, near the West Island Shelter. From the circular benches, I spied 4 GADWALL along the phragmite edge.
I hear snow (or a maybe) is coming Saturday (30- 50 %) ...can't tell if that is good news or bad....except for skiers .
from online search, Blue morph Snow Goose -->> ( takes time to load)
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/17/09
Number of species: 43
Snow Goose 145 high flyover Nethermead @ 10:10 am
Canada Goose 230--about 45 on Parade groiunds, rest on lake
Mute Swan 4
Gadwall 4 --2 drake, 2 hen along phrags adj West Island shelter
American Black Duck 3 west Island
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Bufflehead --drake west Island
Ring-necked Duck 1 drake Upper Pool
Ruddy Duck X lake
Pied-billed Grebe 1 lullwater bridge
Double-crested Cormorant 1 rink waters
Great Blue Heron 2 upper pool
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 imm Duck island
Red-tailed Hawk 1 f/o Quaker Ridge
American Coot X lullwater
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull 1
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove 70
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 inside Quaker Cemetery
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1 Quaker Cemetery
Downy Woodpecker 1 feeder
Black-capped Chickadee 3 feeders
Tufted Titmouse 1 feeders
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 2 feeders
Carolina Wren 1 inside Quaker Cemetery
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 Boathouse slope
Hermit Thrush 1 inside Quaker Cemetery
American Robin 3 lullwater
Northern Mockingbird 1 rink
European Starling X
Eastern Towhee 1 female ,Boathouse slope path
Chipping Sparrow 1 inside Quaker Cemetery
Song Sparrow 2 breeze hill
White-throated Sparrow 40 inside Quaker Cemetery
Dark-eyed Junco 60--20 Propsite; 40 parkwide
Northern Cardinal 23--14 inside Quaker Cemetery; parkwide
Red-winged Blackbird 14 feeding in sweetgum over Center Drive
House Finch 2 feeders
American Goldfinch 1 inside Quaker Cemetery
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Thanks to Nancy Tim and Rob Bate for the latest donation of bird seed the past few days. It 'll be a wonderful season for all watching the winter collective of nuthatches, chickadees, woodpeckers, and friends...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
December 16th Prospect
A thistle feeder was added to the feeder complex today. Hopefully, now we get some "birdaction".
Hilights for today are: RUSTY BLACKBIRD,uncommon winter seasonal Eastern Towhees, winter birds
--at the Boathouse narrow path leading up to East Drive,I saw a RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET.
Rob Bate emailed me a report of male & female EASTERN TOWHEE in the brush plus COMMON GRACKLES along that same path.
Looking forward to more reporting......but I have holiday party this afternoon and a holiday concert if anything anew, it will be very late tonight if any more reports come my way.
From Alex Wilson:
Begin forwarded message:
> Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/16/09
> Number of species: 49
> Canada Goose 200
> Mute Swan 9
> American Black Duck 8
> American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 2
> Mallard 200
> Northern Shoveler 58
> Ring-necked Duck 1 (Drake, Upper Pool.)
> Bufflehead 1
> Ruddy Duck 20
> Pied-billed Grebe 5
> Double-crested Cormorant 1
> Great Blue Heron 4
> Black-crowned Night-Heron 2
> Red-tailed Hawk 3
> American Coot 15
> Ring-billed Gull 150
> Herring Gull (American) 25
> Great Black-backed Gull 1
> Rock Pigeon 30
> Mourning Dove 20
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 6
> Downy Woodpecker 8
> Hairy Woodpecker 2
> Blue Jay 7
> American Crow 3
> Black-capped Chickadee 10
> Tufted Titmouse 8
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 (Lullwater/Lookout corridor.)
> White-breasted Nuthatch 8
> Brown Creeper 2
> Carolina Wren 2
> Winter Wren 1 (Lookout Hill.)
> Golden-crowned Kinglet 3
> American Robin 30
> Northern Mockingbird 1
> European Starling 100
> Cedar Waxwing 15
> Eastern Towhee 1 (Ravine.)
> Fox Sparrow (Red) 3
> Song Sparrow 7
> Swamp Sparrow 2
> White-throated Sparrow 100
> Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 10
> Northern Cardinal 15
> Red-winged Blackbird 30
> Rusty Blackbird 1 (Adult male, east of East Wood Arch.)
> Common Grackle 2
> House Finch 1
> American Goldfinch 15
> House Sparrow 40
Hilights for today are: RUSTY BLACKBIRD,uncommon winter seasonal Eastern Towhees, winter birds
--at the Boathouse narrow path leading up to East Drive,I saw a RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET.
Rob Bate emailed me a report of male & female EASTERN TOWHEE in the brush plus COMMON GRACKLES along that same path.
Looking forward to more reporting......but I have holiday party this afternoon and a holiday concert if anything anew, it will be very late tonight if any more reports come my way.
From Alex Wilson:
Begin forwarded message:
> Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/16/09
> Number of species: 49
> Canada Goose 200
> Mute Swan 9
> American Black Duck 8
> American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 2
> Mallard 200
> Northern Shoveler 58
> Ring-necked Duck 1 (Drake, Upper Pool.)
> Bufflehead 1
> Ruddy Duck 20
> Pied-billed Grebe 5
> Double-crested Cormorant 1
> Great Blue Heron 4
> Black-crowned Night-Heron 2
> Red-tailed Hawk 3
> American Coot 15
> Ring-billed Gull 150
> Herring Gull (American) 25
> Great Black-backed Gull 1
> Rock Pigeon 30
> Mourning Dove 20
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 6
> Downy Woodpecker 8
> Hairy Woodpecker 2
> Blue Jay 7
> American Crow 3
> Black-capped Chickadee 10
> Tufted Titmouse 8
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 (Lullwater/Lookout corridor.)
> White-breasted Nuthatch 8
> Brown Creeper 2
> Carolina Wren 2
> Winter Wren 1 (Lookout Hill.)
> Golden-crowned Kinglet 3
> American Robin 30
> Northern Mockingbird 1
> European Starling 100
> Cedar Waxwing 15
> Eastern Towhee 1 (Ravine.)
> Fox Sparrow (Red) 3
> Song Sparrow 7
> Swamp Sparrow 2
> White-throated Sparrow 100
> Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 10
> Northern Cardinal 15
> Red-winged Blackbird 30
> Rusty Blackbird 1 (Adult male, east of East Wood Arch.)
> Common Grackle 2
> House Finch 1
> American Goldfinch 15
> House Sparrow 40
December 15th Prospect
I birded on a very limited time frame with some looks during my work duties.
Most intriguing was an adult RED-TAILED HAWK perched on a limb right above the East Drive (Midwood) bike/pedestrian walkway. It was only 20 feet up. A quite unflinching bird, I say.
Another interesting bird quite rare in winter Prospect was an EASTERN TOWHEE male that I flushed along the narrow pathway from the boathouse towards East Drive. It'll be a good species if we get it seen on the count.
And on the lake, 3 PIED-BILLED GREBE with 2 in the south lullwater makes a great number, in some years' xmas counts,a "save" bird ,cause Prospect was the only spot that had the species;in addition, 84 NORTHERN SHOVELER on the lake, the highest I have seen of late since the early fall high of 400+ that mysteriously disappeared to lows of 20 in early December .We might get lucky and see 100 + this Saturday.
I swung by the feeders very late,so it isn't valid to say what was there. Wednesday I hope to put up a thistle feeder...
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/15/09
Number of species: 17
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan 7 west island
American Black Duck 1 west island
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 84 west lake shore
Ruddy Duck X lake
Pied-billed Grebe 5- 3 lake, 2 south lullwater
Red-tailed Hawk 1 east midwood
American Coot 4 south lullwater
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Tufted Titmouse 1 midwood
Eastern Towhee 1 male at Boathouse
Song Sparrow 1 breeze hill
White-throated Sparrow X well drive
Northern Cardinal 2 feeders
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Most intriguing was an adult RED-TAILED HAWK perched on a limb right above the East Drive (Midwood) bike/pedestrian walkway. It was only 20 feet up. A quite unflinching bird, I say.
Another interesting bird quite rare in winter Prospect was an EASTERN TOWHEE male that I flushed along the narrow pathway from the boathouse towards East Drive. It'll be a good species if we get it seen on the count.
And on the lake, 3 PIED-BILLED GREBE with 2 in the south lullwater makes a great number, in some years' xmas counts,a "save" bird ,cause Prospect was the only spot that had the species;in addition, 84 NORTHERN SHOVELER on the lake, the highest I have seen of late since the early fall high of 400+ that mysteriously disappeared to lows of 20 in early December .We might get lucky and see 100 + this Saturday.
I swung by the feeders very late,so it isn't valid to say what was there. Wednesday I hope to put up a thistle feeder...
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/15/09
Number of species: 17
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan 7 west island
American Black Duck 1 west island
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 84 west lake shore
Ruddy Duck X lake
Pied-billed Grebe 5- 3 lake, 2 south lullwater
Red-tailed Hawk 1 east midwood
American Coot 4 south lullwater
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Tufted Titmouse 1 midwood
Eastern Towhee 1 male at Boathouse
Song Sparrow 1 breeze hill
White-throated Sparrow X well drive
Northern Cardinal 2 feeders
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Monday, December 14, 2009
December 14th brief looks,birding potpourri
I only birded the way home after work, alongside the south shore of the lake. Most noted is a drake GADWALL hugging West Island's east shore. As usual, the assortment of Shovelers, Ruddies and so on. There isn't much variety out there now ; i took a quick look at the feeders and a smattering of winter passerines are visiting. Looks like it will be a quiet Prospect Xmas count.
By the way, i found this gorgeous TNC's desktop wallpaper shot of a female cardinal , appropriate for a winter bird in the holiday spirit !
Just right click your mouse ,then "set as background" (left click)
( i hope it opens)
As for the quiet ,slow birding out there, i saw this post (text in italic) on the Cape May blog written by Don Freiday . So , it's everywhere that's quiet.
I've been in wintry north Jersey for most of the past week .....conducting my annual winter finch survey. Things are not looking good, or rather, sounding good - I heard exactly 2 Purple Finches in 40+hours hard listening. No crossbills, no siskins, no redpolls, no grosbeaks, no nuthin', which pretty well matches Ron Pittaway's finch forecast.
Ron Pittaway is a prominent Ontario Ornithologist who is a finch specialist. see his link below on the finch prediction for 2009-2010 which this years is an off year after last year's spectacular White-winged crossbill year.It goes ups and downs
By the way, i found this gorgeous TNC's desktop wallpaper shot of a female cardinal , appropriate for a winter bird in the holiday spirit !
Just right click your mouse ,then "set as background" (left click)
( i hope it opens)
As for the quiet ,slow birding out there, i saw this post (text in italic) on the Cape May blog written by Don Freiday . So , it's everywhere that's quiet.
I've been in wintry north Jersey for most of the past week .....conducting my annual winter finch survey. Things are not looking good, or rather, sounding good - I heard exactly 2 Purple Finches in 40+hours hard listening. No crossbills, no siskins, no redpolls, no grosbeaks, no nuthin', which pretty well matches Ron Pittaway's finch forecast.
Ron Pittaway is a prominent Ontario Ornithologist who is a finch specialist. see his link below on the finch prediction for 2009-2010 which this years is an off year after last year's spectacular White-winged crossbill year.It goes ups and downs
Sunday, December 13, 2009
December rainy day stuff
With little bird reporting going on, I thought about posting these links about the upcoming Christmas Bird Count ( and regions) to give you an idea of the scope and range of this great event .
historical data tool for Brooklyn ( for a query search) : input circle count code "NYBR" for the query
historical data tool for Brooklyn ( for a query search) : input circle count code "NYBR" for the query
Friday, December 11, 2009
December 11th Prospect
Before hilights , first... a Happy Chanukah to any of my readers celebrating tonight.
Hilight today is late OVENBIRD seen walking on the back path behind the Upper Pool adj Quaker Ridge (R.Jett); other hilights are feeders seeing some action after long inactivity "drought" ; Hooded Mergansers, Ring-Necked Ducks, increase in Northern Shovelers (45)
Feeder activity : Downy Woodpecker, 2 Cardinals, White-breasted Nuthatch, Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse
From Rob Jett:
After some very cold cycling this morning, I did a quick look around Prospect Park for any interesting new arrivals. The strong wind kept most bird activity at a minimum and I mostly observed the expected winter birds, such as sapsuckers, chickadees, nuthatches and assorted waterfowl. One bird that took me completely by surprise was an Ovenbird walking along the pathway next to the Upper Pool. If he felt anything like I did, he was probably dreaming about much warmer places. As late as this date is, I have vague memories of a CBC Ovenbird in Prospect Park. I'll have to check my records.
Good birding,
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/11/09
Number of species: 38
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Wood Duck 2
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 75
Ring-necked Duck 2
Ruddy Duck X
Great Blue Heron 2
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
American Coot 6
Ring-billed Gull 500
Herring Gull (American) X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Belted Kingfisher 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker 3
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay X
American Crow 3
Black-capped Chickadee 5
Tufted Titmouse 2
White-breasted Nuthatch 3
Carolina Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 1
American Robin X
European Starling X
OVENBIRD 1 Found walking along footpath at back of Upper Pool.
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco X
Northern Cardinal X
House Finch 3
American Goldfinch 12
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Peter:
After what was perceived to be a quiet lull, it looks like some action is awakening. Not to say there's hot action but a slow trickle of bird movement especially with the feeders, after a week ago they were put up. I heard about Rob's Ovenbird sighting so maybe that's a good omen especially with the upcoming count in a week's time.
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/11/09
Number of species: 22
Canada Goose 145
Mute Swan 4
American Black Duck 3
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 1
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 45 lake
Hooded Merganser 2 hen lake
Ruddy Duck 20 lake
Pied-billed Grebe 1 west island
Great Blue Heron 1 on Three Sisters
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 immature on Duck Island
American Coot 6 west is
Ring-billed Gull 900 lake
Herring Gull (American) 40 lake
Great Black-backed Gull 1 lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Downy Woodpecker 1 feeders
Black-capped Chickadee 1 feeders
Tufted Titmouse 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
Northern Cardinal 3-- 2 feeders;1 west is
House Sparrow 1
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Followup commentary by Rob Jett on Ovenbird
late /extreme dates records :
I thought this info might be of interest to some.
I searched through my Prospect Park records
for dates of lingering Ovenbirds and found the
The previous winter sighting was on
17 January 2007 (Alex Wilson; Vale/Rose Garden).
Prior to that was an individual that actually
overwintered in Brooklyn. First discovered by
Steve Nanz and myself 13 December 1997
(Lookout Hill near Maryland Monument), the bird
was observed throughout most of December.
It was then re-discovered on 2 February 1998
(Ron Ellard, Tom Fiore) on Lookout Hill near the
Wellhouse, associating with a White-eyed Vireo
that also overwintered that year. What I assume
was the same bird was reported again on Lookout Hill
25 March 1998 (Ron Ellard).
The next dates for that year begin on 23 April,
but could easily have been early Spring arrivals.
I'm not sure if the winter of 1997-98 had been extremely
mild or not. Either way, that Ovenbird was very lucky
to have dodged the usual collection of falcons, accipiters
and Red-tailed Hawks that hang around in the winter.
Note that the above dates were not included in Bull's
Birds of New York State. Besides the fact that I never
thought it important enough to report, back then we
didn't have all the instant birding communications such
as discussion forums, online checklists, cellphones, text
messaging, twittering, etc., that now exists.
God, how did we ever manage?! ;-)
Good birding,
Hilight today is late OVENBIRD seen walking on the back path behind the Upper Pool adj Quaker Ridge (R.Jett); other hilights are feeders seeing some action after long inactivity "drought" ; Hooded Mergansers, Ring-Necked Ducks, increase in Northern Shovelers (45)
Feeder activity : Downy Woodpecker, 2 Cardinals, White-breasted Nuthatch, Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse
From Rob Jett:
After some very cold cycling this morning, I did a quick look around Prospect Park for any interesting new arrivals. The strong wind kept most bird activity at a minimum and I mostly observed the expected winter birds, such as sapsuckers, chickadees, nuthatches and assorted waterfowl. One bird that took me completely by surprise was an Ovenbird walking along the pathway next to the Upper Pool. If he felt anything like I did, he was probably dreaming about much warmer places. As late as this date is, I have vague memories of a CBC Ovenbird in Prospect Park. I'll have to check my records.
Good birding,
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/11/09
Number of species: 38
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Wood Duck 2
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 75
Ring-necked Duck 2
Ruddy Duck X
Great Blue Heron 2
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
American Coot 6
Ring-billed Gull 500
Herring Gull (American) X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Belted Kingfisher 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker 3
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay X
American Crow 3
Black-capped Chickadee 5
Tufted Titmouse 2
White-breasted Nuthatch 3
Carolina Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 1
American Robin X
European Starling X
OVENBIRD 1 Found walking along footpath at back of Upper Pool.
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco X
Northern Cardinal X
House Finch 3
American Goldfinch 12
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Peter:
After what was perceived to be a quiet lull, it looks like some action is awakening. Not to say there's hot action but a slow trickle of bird movement especially with the feeders, after a week ago they were put up. I heard about Rob's Ovenbird sighting so maybe that's a good omen especially with the upcoming count in a week's time.
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/11/09
Number of species: 22
Canada Goose 145
Mute Swan 4
American Black Duck 3
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 1
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 45 lake
Hooded Merganser 2 hen lake
Ruddy Duck 20 lake
Pied-billed Grebe 1 west island
Great Blue Heron 1 on Three Sisters
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 immature on Duck Island
American Coot 6 west is
Ring-billed Gull 900 lake
Herring Gull (American) 40 lake
Great Black-backed Gull 1 lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Downy Woodpecker 1 feeders
Black-capped Chickadee 1 feeders
Tufted Titmouse 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
Northern Cardinal 3-- 2 feeders;1 west is
House Sparrow 1
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Followup commentary by Rob Jett on Ovenbird
late /extreme dates records :
I thought this info might be of interest to some.
I searched through my Prospect Park records
for dates of lingering Ovenbirds and found the
The previous winter sighting was on
17 January 2007 (Alex Wilson; Vale/Rose Garden).
Prior to that was an individual that actually
overwintered in Brooklyn. First discovered by
Steve Nanz and myself 13 December 1997
(Lookout Hill near Maryland Monument), the bird
was observed throughout most of December.
It was then re-discovered on 2 February 1998
(Ron Ellard, Tom Fiore) on Lookout Hill near the
Wellhouse, associating with a White-eyed Vireo
that also overwintered that year. What I assume
was the same bird was reported again on Lookout Hill
25 March 1998 (Ron Ellard).
The next dates for that year begin on 23 April,
but could easily have been early Spring arrivals.
I'm not sure if the winter of 1997-98 had been extremely
mild or not. Either way, that Ovenbird was very lucky
to have dodged the usual collection of falcons, accipiters
and Red-tailed Hawks that hang around in the winter.
Note that the above dates were not included in Bull's
Birds of New York State. Besides the fact that I never
thought it important enough to report, back then we
didn't have all the instant birding communications such
as discussion forums, online checklists, cellphones, text
messaging, twittering, etc., that now exists.
God, how did we ever manage?! ;-)
Good birding,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Xmas Count note reminder
Next Saturday the 19th is the Brooklyn Bird Xmas Count...a reminder if you intend to participate as a team member .
We may need more help with the north and west sections of Prospect Park, led by Paul Keim. For this area, call Paul at 718-875-1151.
A new area, (North Brooklyn as this blog covers as well) ,covered once in the past 10 years , not very birdy in terms of diversity but does have lots waterfowl should be covered for the Xmas count ; as i have noted on a BBC winter trip this past February 2009 ,38 species were recorded. I would be interested in anyone wanting to cover the spot between the Columbia Street Pier ( Erie Basin) , northward towards the Brooklyn Heights, including any parks between ( Red Hook Park for example, Fort Greene, IKEA, etc). If you know or are familiar with the north Brooklyn location, let me know and i would like to set up a team (minimum 2 members or more). If are willing to do a 1/2 day , that's fine; if you are willing to not let the low diversity of birds bother you, that's great too.
Please get back to me at asap.
Peter (covering south Prospect Park)
Chipping Sparrow along south Horse path at Quaker Cemetery. No birding today,too busy working.
We may need more help with the north and west sections of Prospect Park, led by Paul Keim. For this area, call Paul at 718-875-1151.
A new area, (North Brooklyn as this blog covers as well) ,covered once in the past 10 years , not very birdy in terms of diversity but does have lots waterfowl should be covered for the Xmas count ; as i have noted on a BBC winter trip this past February 2009 ,38 species were recorded. I would be interested in anyone wanting to cover the spot between the Columbia Street Pier ( Erie Basin) , northward towards the Brooklyn Heights, including any parks between ( Red Hook Park for example, Fort Greene, IKEA, etc). If you know or are familiar with the north Brooklyn location, let me know and i would like to set up a team (minimum 2 members or more). If are willing to do a 1/2 day , that's fine; if you are willing to not let the low diversity of birds bother you, that's great too.
Please get back to me at asap.
Peter (covering south Prospect Park)
Chipping Sparrow along south Horse path at Quaker Cemetery. No birding today,too busy working.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
1st Sundays walk results 12/6
From Michele Dreger :
(leading First Sunday walk from the Boathouse;Eni Falci led second walk)
I am coming down with a cold and decided to only do the 8am tour. Eni lead the 10am tour. We saw just about the same things on both tours. The feeders are now full but the birds haven't discovered it yet.
The 8am tour started off really slow. The mallards and the swans were at the boathouse waiting for us. We walked up to the lookout and had a nice time watching an adult red tailed hawk watching us. On the way back, we spotted a coopers hawk while we were looking for the great blue heron on the lullwater.
The first Sunday of January is the 3rd. The winter walk starts at 10am. Hope to see you there.
The 8am list included
american coot
wood duck (1)
canada geese
ruddy duck
pied-billed grebe
white-throated sparrow
Fox sparrow
downy woodpecker
hairy woodpecker
red-bellied woodpecker
golden crowned kinglet
ruby crowned kinglet
coopers hawk
tufted titmice
morning dove
The 10am walk had a few more. But they did not see the hawks.
Brown creeper Gingko grove
Winter wren at sumacs
carolina wren
Red bellied woodpecker
Hairy woodpecker
Downy woodpeckers numerous
Yellow bellied sapsucker male
White breasted nuthatch
Tufted titmouse
Goldfinches gum tree seed pods
Cardinal females
Northern Mockingbird 1
Robin 1Lamppost
Blue Jay
Mourning Dove
Ruby crowned kinglets 3+
Golden crowned kinglets 3+
White throated sparrows
Fox sparrow 1
House sparrow Dumpsters Audubon
Wood duck lullwater 1 male
Coots 5+
Pied billed Grebe 3-5
Canada Goose
Ruddy Ducks
Northern Shovelers
Mute Swans 2 adult
Gulls on lake but sun glare did not do species
(leading First Sunday walk from the Boathouse;Eni Falci led second walk)
I am coming down with a cold and decided to only do the 8am tour. Eni lead the 10am tour. We saw just about the same things on both tours. The feeders are now full but the birds haven't discovered it yet.
The 8am tour started off really slow. The mallards and the swans were at the boathouse waiting for us. We walked up to the lookout and had a nice time watching an adult red tailed hawk watching us. On the way back, we spotted a coopers hawk while we were looking for the great blue heron on the lullwater.
The first Sunday of January is the 3rd. The winter walk starts at 10am. Hope to see you there.
The 8am list included
american coot
wood duck (1)
canada geese
ruddy duck
pied-billed grebe
white-throated sparrow
Fox sparrow
downy woodpecker
hairy woodpecker
red-bellied woodpecker
golden crowned kinglet
ruby crowned kinglet
coopers hawk
tufted titmice
morning dove
The 10am walk had a few more. But they did not see the hawks.
Brown creeper Gingko grove
Winter wren at sumacs
carolina wren
Red bellied woodpecker
Hairy woodpecker
Downy woodpeckers numerous
Yellow bellied sapsucker male
White breasted nuthatch
Tufted titmouse
Goldfinches gum tree seed pods
Cardinal females
Northern Mockingbird 1
Robin 1Lamppost
Blue Jay
Mourning Dove
Ruby crowned kinglets 3+
Golden crowned kinglets 3+
White throated sparrows
Fox sparrow 1
House sparrow Dumpsters Audubon
Wood duck lullwater 1 male
Coots 5+
Pied billed Grebe 3-5
Canada Goose
Ruddy Ducks
Northern Shovelers
Mute Swans 2 adult
Gulls on lake but sun glare did not do species
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
December 8th BBG + Prospect
From Orrin:
Location: Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Red-bellied woodpecker
2 carolina wrens
2 fox sparrows
1 song sparrows
white-throated sparrows
2 northern mockingbirds
American robins
Upper Pool
Ring-necked Duck
From Rob Jett:
Begin forwarded message:
> Date: December 8, 2009 5:25:17 PM EST
> Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park , 12/8/09
> >
> Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/8/09
> Number of species: 38
> Canada Goose X
> Mute Swan X
> American Black Duck X
> American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) X
> Mallard X
> Northern Shoveler X
> Ring-necked Duck 1
> Bufflehead 1
> Ruddy Duck X
> Great Blue Heron 1
> Turkey Vulture 2
> Cooper's Hawk 1
> Red-tailed Hawk 2
> American Coot 2
> Ring-billed Gull X
> Herring Gull (American) X
> Great Black-backed Gull X
> Rock Pigeon X
> Mourning Dove X
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
> Downy Woodpecker 3
> Hairy Woodpecker 1
> Blue Jay X
> Black-capped Chickadee X
> Tufted Titmouse X
> White-breasted Nuthatch X
> Brown Creeper 2
> Carolina Wren 2
> American Robin X
> European Starling X
> Fox Sparrow 1
> Song Sparrow X
> White-throated Sparrow X
> Dark-eyed Junco X
> Northern Cardinal X
> Red-winged Blackbird X
> House Finch X
> American Goldfinch X
> House Sparrow X
> This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Location: Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Red-bellied woodpecker
2 carolina wrens
2 fox sparrows
1 song sparrows
white-throated sparrows
2 northern mockingbirds
American robins
Upper Pool
Ring-necked Duck
From Rob Jett:
Begin forwarded message:
> Date: December 8, 2009 5:25:17 PM EST
> Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park , 12/8/09
> >
> Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/8/09
> Number of species: 38
> Canada Goose X
> Mute Swan X
> American Black Duck X
> American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) X
> Mallard X
> Northern Shoveler X
> Ring-necked Duck 1
> Bufflehead 1
> Ruddy Duck X
> Great Blue Heron 1
> Turkey Vulture 2
> Cooper's Hawk 1
> Red-tailed Hawk 2
> American Coot 2
> Ring-billed Gull X
> Herring Gull (American) X
> Great Black-backed Gull X
> Rock Pigeon X
> Mourning Dove X
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
> Downy Woodpecker 3
> Hairy Woodpecker 1
> Blue Jay X
> Black-capped Chickadee X
> Tufted Titmouse X
> White-breasted Nuthatch X
> Brown Creeper 2
> Carolina Wren 2
> American Robin X
> European Starling X
> Fox Sparrow 1
> Song Sparrow X
> White-throated Sparrow X
> Dark-eyed Junco X
> Northern Cardinal X
> Red-winged Blackbird X
> House Finch X
> American Goldfinch X
> House Sparrow X
> This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Friday, December 4, 2009
I am away ....blogster takes a holiday

Dear readers:
The PP blogster run by aka "Kingsboider" takes a holiday as he ventures to Cape May ,New Jersey , beginning this afternoon. I will be back Monday night.
As usual, any entry will be a cell phone posting if i receive any "in the field" reports. Enjoy your weekend and especially enjoy those feeders!
( and do pester the squirrels for me if you can ;)> )
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Dec 3rd Prospect ....Feeders up , another season of flying seeds...

I am happy to announce ,as I have done for years past, that the bird feeders are up. For protection of the site , I wont reveal the location since most of you know or alerted others where.If you are new to the birding community and want to know where they are, drop me a line at
Enjoy the delights of the season, as birds put on their show throughout the winter.
Thanks to Larry Zirlin, Gil Shrank, and Heidi Steiner for their start up $ contributions for the bird seed and suet.
PS. If you happen to see squirrels ( Oh yes, they are pests) raiding the feeders --actual munching that is--watch them and let me know their latest innovative tactic. I tried to make it hard as possible for the pesky critters;or if the feeders need fixing.
Enjoy the delights of the season, as birds put on their show throughout the winter.
Thanks to Larry Zirlin, Gil Shrank, and Heidi Steiner for their start up $ contributions for the bird seed and suet.
PS. If you happen to see squirrels ( Oh yes, they are pests) raiding the feeders --actual munching that is--watch them and let me know their latest innovative tactic. I tried to make it hard as possible for the pesky critters;or if the feeders need fixing.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
December 2nd,Prospect
Hilights:2 Orange-crowned Warbler , American Tree Sparrow ,Blue-headed Vireo ,Baltimore Oriole
From Rob Jett:
> Date: December 2, 2009 3:16:38 PM EST
> Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park , 12/2/09
> Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/2/09
> Number of species: 43
> Mute Swan 8
> American Black Duck 6
> American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 2
> Mallard X
> Northern Shoveler 3
> Ring-necked Duck 1
> Ruddy Duck 100
> Pied-billed Grebe 2
> Great Blue Heron 3
> Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 Roosting on Duck Island.
> Red-tailed Hawk 2
> American Coot 12
> Ring-billed Gull 500
> Herring Gull (American) 30
> Great Black-backed Gull 5
> Rock Pigeon X
> Mourning Dove 15
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 4
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 3
> Downy Woodpecker 2
> Hairy Woodpecker 1
> Blue-headed Vireo 1 Feeding in trees above
Butterfly Meadow.
> Blue Jay X
> American Crow X
> Black-capped Chickadee 6
> Tufted Titmouse 7
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
> White-breasted Nuthatch 3
> Brown Creeper 2
> Carolina Wren 2
> Winter Wren 1
> Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
> American Robin X
> European Starling X
> Orange-crowned Warbler 2 One, seemingly dull,
individual at Butterfly Meadow. Second, bright individual
on Breeze Hill near feeders.
> American Tree Sparrow 2
> Song Sparrow 6
> White-throated Sparrow 100
> Dark-eyed Junco 10
> Northern Cardinal X
> Baltimore Oriole 2 Feeding on sumac berries next
to Terrace Bridge.
> House Finch 1
> American Goldfinch 12
> House Sparrow X
> This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Alex Wilson:
Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/2/09
> Number of species: 48
> Canada Goose 150
> Mute Swan 7
> American Black Duck 6
> Mallard 100
> Northern Shoveler 15
> Ring-necked Duck 1 (Drake, Upper Pool.)
> Ruddy Duck 80
> Great Blue Heron 3
> Black-crowned Night-Heron 2
> Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 (West Island flyover.)
> Red-tailed Hawk 3
> Merlin 1 (Nethermead.)
> Peregrine Falcon 1 (On signal tower at east corner/BBG.)
> American Coot 20
Pied-billed Grebe 2
> Ring-billed Gull 125
> Herring Gull (American) 50
> Rock Pigeon 35
> Mourning Dove 30
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 6
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 3
> Downy Woodpecker 8
> Hairy Woodpecker 1
> Blue-headed Vireo 1 (Lookout Hill, above way-
meet at south entrance to butterfly meadow. Late date.)
> Blue Jay 15
> American Crow 20
> Black-capped Chickadee 15
> Tufted Titmouse 8
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 (1 or 2 along upper
Lullwater, both sides.)
> White-breasted Nuthatch 5
> Brown Creeper 2
> Carolina Wren 2
> Winter Wren 1 (Vale.)
> Golden-crowned Kinglet 2 (Upper Lullwater trail.)
> Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 (Terrace Bridge, NE corner.)
> American Robin 20
> European Starling 60
> Orange-crowned Warbler 1 (Calling above south
entrance to Lookout butterfly meadow.)
> American Tree Sparrow 1 (On path SE of Lookout
butterfly meadow.)
> Fox Sparrow 1 (Heard at lamppost 249.)
> Song Sparrow 10
> White-throated Sparrow 50
> Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 20
> Northern Cardinal 30
> Red-winged Blackbird 20 (Mostly in Sweetgums.)
> Common Grackle 2 (Flyover.)
> Baltimore Oriole 2 (2 females together at head of
upper path, SE corner of Terrace Bridge.)
> American Goldfinch 35
> House Sparrow 20
From Rob Jett:
> Date: December 2, 2009 3:16:38 PM EST
> Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park , 12/2/09
> Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/2/09
> Number of species: 43
> Mute Swan 8
> American Black Duck 6
> American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 2
> Mallard X
> Northern Shoveler 3
> Ring-necked Duck 1
> Ruddy Duck 100
> Pied-billed Grebe 2
> Great Blue Heron 3
> Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 Roosting on Duck Island.
> Red-tailed Hawk 2
> American Coot 12
> Ring-billed Gull 500
> Herring Gull (American) 30
> Great Black-backed Gull 5
> Rock Pigeon X
> Mourning Dove 15
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 4
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 3
> Downy Woodpecker 2
> Hairy Woodpecker 1
> Blue-headed Vireo 1 Feeding in trees above
Butterfly Meadow.
> Blue Jay X
> American Crow X
> Black-capped Chickadee 6
> Tufted Titmouse 7
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
> White-breasted Nuthatch 3
> Brown Creeper 2
> Carolina Wren 2
> Winter Wren 1
> Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
> American Robin X
> European Starling X
> Orange-crowned Warbler 2 One, seemingly dull,
individual at Butterfly Meadow. Second, bright individual
on Breeze Hill near feeders.
> American Tree Sparrow 2
> Song Sparrow 6
> White-throated Sparrow 100
> Dark-eyed Junco 10
> Northern Cardinal X
> Baltimore Oriole 2 Feeding on sumac berries next
to Terrace Bridge.
> House Finch 1
> American Goldfinch 12
> House Sparrow X
> This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
From Alex Wilson:
Location: Prospect Park
> Observation date: 12/2/09
> Number of species: 48
> Canada Goose 150
> Mute Swan 7
> American Black Duck 6
> Mallard 100
> Northern Shoveler 15
> Ring-necked Duck 1 (Drake, Upper Pool.)
> Ruddy Duck 80
> Great Blue Heron 3
> Black-crowned Night-Heron 2
> Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 (West Island flyover.)
> Red-tailed Hawk 3
> Merlin 1 (Nethermead.)
> Peregrine Falcon 1 (On signal tower at east corner/BBG.)
> American Coot 20
Pied-billed Grebe 2
> Ring-billed Gull 125
> Herring Gull (American) 50
> Rock Pigeon 35
> Mourning Dove 30
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 6
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 3
> Downy Woodpecker 8
> Hairy Woodpecker 1
> Blue-headed Vireo 1 (Lookout Hill, above way-
meet at south entrance to butterfly meadow. Late date.)
> Blue Jay 15
> American Crow 20
> Black-capped Chickadee 15
> Tufted Titmouse 8
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 (1 or 2 along upper
Lullwater, both sides.)
> White-breasted Nuthatch 5
> Brown Creeper 2
> Carolina Wren 2
> Winter Wren 1 (Vale.)
> Golden-crowned Kinglet 2 (Upper Lullwater trail.)
> Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 (Terrace Bridge, NE corner.)
> American Robin 20
> European Starling 60
> Orange-crowned Warbler 1 (Calling above south
entrance to Lookout butterfly meadow.)
> American Tree Sparrow 1 (On path SE of Lookout
butterfly meadow.)
> Fox Sparrow 1 (Heard at lamppost 249.)
> Song Sparrow 10
> White-throated Sparrow 50
> Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 20
> Northern Cardinal 30
> Red-winged Blackbird 20 (Mostly in Sweetgums.)
> Common Grackle 2 (Flyover.)
> Baltimore Oriole 2 (2 females together at head of
upper path, SE corner of Terrace Bridge.)
> American Goldfinch 35
> House Sparrow 20
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
PPA announcement on rink +scope/tripod deal for the $$ conscious

I picked this up from my membership email I got from the Prospect Park Alliance on the new rink plans . Most interesting to see in this missive is the "restored environment and green space " (click on the green link for graphic profile) which would be a tremendous upgrade from the current degraded natural spot. If birds like it then, I would be happy.
I wouldn't post advertise products ever on this blog but its too good to pass up this info. I bought this light scope a few weeks ago and found it pretty good for the money (and my back!) .Its only 99 dollars plus with the tripod only 30 dollars more.So if you are budget conscious, its a good deal. For me, its just perfect for the park.
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