Hilight today : Common Merganser hen at Three Sisters Islands (late afternoon)
From Rob Jett:
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/29/09
Number of species: 10
American Black Duck 1
Mallard 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Tufted Titmouse 2
Brown Creeper 1
Winter Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 3
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal 1
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org)
From Rob Jett:
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/29/09
Number of species: 10
American Black Duck 1
Mallard 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Tufted Titmouse 2
Brown Creeper 1
Winter Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 3
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal 1
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org)
From Peter:
Facing a brutal , bone-chilling cold wind sweeping off Prospect Lake, I scouted briefly after work anything on the lake for the last hurrah of 2009 . Though not sure if it's a new year '09 species ( unlikely) till I check the office records ( or ebirds ), a hen COMMON MERGANSER flew off near an ice section on the south shore adjacent to Three Sister Islands. I was able to catch field marks of red head, with a white sliver chinstrap, and bulky white body as she flew to the front of the islands.
Facing a brutal , bone-chilling cold wind sweeping off Prospect Lake, I scouted briefly after work anything on the lake for the last hurrah of 2009 . Though not sure if it's a new year '09 species ( unlikely) till I check the office records ( or ebirds ), a hen COMMON MERGANSER flew off near an ice section on the south shore adjacent to Three Sister Islands. I was able to catch field marks of red head, with a white sliver chinstrap, and bulky white body as she flew to the front of the islands.
The wind all day made trees sway strongly and that pretty much kept birds down.Hence why I didn't get around to recording what landbirds there were, never getting around to the feeders. Though cold isn't a deterrent for me,an experienced winter birder, sometimes it's one of those days you head towards warm places . Today was one of those days.
Keep yourself bundle up!
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/29/09
Number of species: 19
Canada Goose 275 lake
Mute Swan 4 lake
American Black Duck X lake
Mallard X lake
Northern Shoveler 210 lake
Common Merganser 1 hen Three Sister Islands
Great Blue Heron 1 Duck Island
Cooper's Hawk 1 9th street propsite , adult
Red-tailed Hawk 1 Midwood
American Coot X lake
Ring-billed Gull X lake
Herring Gull X lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Downy Woodpecker 1 Duck Island
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 lily pool
American Robin 3 f/o garage
European Starling X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org/)
Keep yourself bundle up!
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/29/09
Number of species: 19
Canada Goose 275 lake
Mute Swan 4 lake
American Black Duck X lake
Mallard X lake
Northern Shoveler 210 lake
Common Merganser 1 hen Three Sister Islands
Great Blue Heron 1 Duck Island
Cooper's Hawk 1 9th street propsite , adult
Red-tailed Hawk 1 Midwood
American Coot X lake
Ring-billed Gull X lake
Herring Gull X lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Downy Woodpecker 1 Duck Island
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 lily pool
American Robin 3 f/o garage
European Starling X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org/)
Kingsboider note: After checking the ebird records, Common Merganser was seen a number of times in the first three months of 2009. So , it is not a new year species with today's sighting. Where does the year fly ?