Monday, November 17, 2008

Redthroated Loon records in PP

Yesterday's Red-throated Loon was the 8th record for Prospect Park. Now ...thats rare. Normally Common Loon is our more usual species but a Red-Throated Loon hits the bell.
Here are records I brought up plus a link from Picasa from my friend Doug Gochfeld. Its a cool thing to have rare visitors to Prospect this time of the year ( or anytime !).

5/10/38 Old record

4/20/42 Old record

4/25/47, 5/4/47, 5/10/47 lake

4/2/2000 fly/over

5/16/2002 f/o

2/21-2/25/2003, 4/7/2003 Lake

10/16/2007 f/o

Doug's photos