Friday, December 17, 2010

December 17th, Prospect , the day before the Kings County Christmas Count

Sunrise today seen from the Tennis House, my office

Tomorrow is the annual Christmas Bird Census in Kings County or better known as "Brooklyn" . It will be our 111th count carried out by  Brooklyn Bird Club members and friends.Typically, a count compiler will choose any day between December 14th and January 5th , the period the National Audubon designates. Traditionally, Brooklyn chose the 1st Saturday after the 14th. It'll be a duty faithfully carried out with much anticipation as well as doing it for the greater purpose of science. Wish us the best of luck.
I will post here the results for Prospect tomorrow late eve and then later a day or so after the count dinner, the Brooklyn results and rarities, highlights and whatever else information I hear.

Here's a link about the CBC----->


Today's feeder bird was the American Goldfinch, 12 individuals easily outnumbering the reliable Chickadee. Goldfinches zealously went for the thistle feeders, which I should mention are quite close to the fence so if you want to see them, check from afar , and then move slowly in towards the fence. It was a long busy day for me, so not much else to report. I heard from Rob Bate it was quiet. But I am superstitious, so I rather  that today be quiet and tomorrow much more active. But I hope the lake will be open more but doubt the hard freeze will melt quickly enough. But there were plenty of gulls on the ice so maybe we will see a good one.Thae's how it goes..."whatever".

Happy Counting if you are out there....


Location: Prospect Park--Feeders

Observation date: 12/17/10

Number of species: 12

Mourning Dove 5

Downy Woodpecker 1

Black-capped Chickadee 9

Tufted Titmouse 1

Red-breasted Nuthatch 1

White-breasted Nuthatch 1

White-throated Sparrow 6

Dark-eyed Junco 1

Northern Cardinal 2

House Finch 4

American Goldfinch 12

House Sparrow 1

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(


From Anne-Katrin

Friday - December 17 10:00AM

7 Mute Swan on nearly frozen lake

1 Great Blue Heron looking perplexed on a Three Sisters Island

Hooded Merganser - drake on Peninsula near tarps

1 Wood Duck on hill at Boathouse
