Monday, February 6, 2012

My Jan 28th Greenpoint walk

Last weekend I led a bird walk for a wonderful group of young , enthusiastic birders. The area is seeing more attention as a great place to live and as a result, more shore parks are coming into creation. ( The "G" train runs thru that area , from Park Slope). There are great Polish shops and food places....

Here's the link to the story in the community paper.

 the parks are listed below

1. India St Pier -  Ferry to NYC points stop here, terrific views...
2. Transmitter park (its closed but fenced and located at the west terminus of Greenpoint Ave. Under    Construction)
3. Bushwick inlet, (again fenced but its on the way to McCarren)
4. McCarren Park - Red Tailed Hawk Pair

5. McGolrick Park - Woodpeckers