One month from now is the the official Brooklyn Xmas Bird Census on Saturday December 19th.
Three teams lead the Prospect Park region : me in the southern region, Paul Keim in the northern region , and a third team in Brooklyn Botanic Garden. (there maybe a Audubon Boathouse group , yet undetermined)
There is also a team (or teams depending on # people) conducting the census in Greenwood Cemetery .
If you are interested in being part of the census, please let me know .I am forming my team with a limit of 6 , any additional folks willing to have fun can help out Paul or the garden group which the latter only takes part in the morning.The Prospect count is all day.
You can contact me at prosbird@aol.com
If you wish to bird Greenwood Cemetery ( a great place too), let me know and I will forward your name to Heidi Steiner, who is coordinating Brooklyn's teams.
I am also aware some locales like Floyd Bennett are in need of folks assisting the count there..Let me know if this is intriguing to you and I'll let Heidi or the counters of Floyd know.
For more on Xmas counts, see the attached links: