Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Prospect 8/31 All quiet...too hot

This heat wave ( hopefully short!) stunts migration so it's all quiet on the birders front. This morning, i spotted a Common Nighthawk flying circles over Maryland Monument/Lookout hill at 803 AM. Other reports, from Rob Bate and Keir also report very little bird activity. We just have to wait for the next northerly front.

In the meantime, Hurricane Earl is heading towards us, predicted to skim the coastline. That will be interesting , maybe it will throw a petrel or albatross unto Prospect Lake ;)>  ..That would be something. ( and for sea-birders, it's the best time to station yourself at a coastal spot for a sea watch for all kinds of pelagic birding potential).



From Keir Randall:

Seemed much quieter this morning... South Lake shore best. A few highlights:

Red-breasted Nuthatch (2, Lake shore near L249)

Yellow Warbler

Black-and-white Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warber (2, L249)

Magnolia Warbler (2, Lookout)

American Redstart

Common Yellowthroat


Peter's early observations:

2 Spotted Sandpipers by the Rink War memorial.
Common Nighthawk flying over Maryland Monument