Thursday, August 26, 2010

Late afternoon /evening nightwatch Common Nighthawks 8/26

Prospect Park

Rob Bate reported around 4:45 2 Common Nighthawks over Nellies Lawn. Good potential for more after 6

In addition, he might  have seen a Kentucky Warbler afterwards which is very rare in fall ( I have seen only one autumn sighting in Prospect ), at and below the Esdale Bridge (west entry to Ravine ) this afternoon. Its a great spot where the creek eddies at foliage giving protective cover for birds.  Looking good for morrow..

and today's tally for warblers was 12 species. Lots of flycatchers, typical for late August ( they are congregating)


heading out for nighthawks!


Peter's report  evening nightwatch 6:30-8 pm

Observers Peter and Rob Bate

When I arrived for a sit on the Nethermead triangle 6:30, first thing I saw were swarms of swallows mixed in with swifts..Very good numbers including a dense flock over the west end of the lawn "triangle". Rob bate joined me and eventually I spotted the first COMMON NIGHTHAWK. For the next whole hour, we saw 5 total over the nethermead, including one following a RED-TAILED HAWK! This observation took place as the hawk flew from Lookout Hill's north slope towards the cemetery. On the way out, two more nighthawks flew over the south Lookout section . Total  ended up with 7. Friday eve might be good but I will be at a ballgame in Coney Island...maybe some fly balls might be targets for beach nighthawks

list- all Nethermead

Location: Prospect Park Nethermead

Observation date: 8/26/10

Number of species: 14

Black-crowned Night-Heron 2

Osprey 1 f/o

Red-tailed Hawk 1

Common Nighthawk 7--5 Nethermead, 2 south Lookout Hill

Chimney Swift 150  conservative estimate

Tree Swallow X  many not sure count

Barn Swallow 125 conservative estimate

American Robin X

Gray Catbird X

Northern Mockingbird X

European Starling X

Wilson's Warbler 1

Canada Warbler 1

Brown-headed Cowbird 1

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